Sometimes I worry about thing way to much...I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get pregnant after I did I worried constantly that something terrible would go wrong with the baby. I seem to always find the negative in every
situation and focus in on that. It's pretty sad. When we went in for our 20 week appointment we found out that the baby had some fluid around his heart and the doctors
immediately freaked us out telling us their was a 70% chance our baby would be born with down
syndrome or another type of
chromosomal disorder and 30% chance that it very well could be nothing at all and it would go away before he was born or during birth. They told us that we needed to have an
amino centesis done that day to see what kind of
disorder he would have. (yes they made it seem like for sure he had something wrong with him) The rest of that day I couldn't help but think we were going to have a baby with a
chromosomal disorder and I thought all the negative thoughts I could even though deep down in my heart I knew that everything was going to be
ok. Which in the end it was his fluid has gone down a great deal from what it was 7 weeks ago when we saw the Cardiologist the first time and at our last appointment on Friday he told us he felt great about it and that he would not be seeing us back! I feel like I focused on all of the negative things in this situation. Instead of thinking about how loved he would be no matter what happened in the end and that how lucky I am that I can even carry my OWN baby. I feel like sometimes I miss out on great things because
I'm stuck looking and thinking about the negatives in life. Im going to make a new goal for myself starting now. Im going to stop concentrating on the negative and more on the positive things in my life!