HOW FAR ALONG? 24 weeks!!
STRETCH MARKS? Same as before just the two thank goodness!!
MATERNITY CLOTHES? Mostly jeans not really shirts
WEIGHT GAIN? 8 lbs last week at the dr. haven't checked since
SLEEP? Getting harder and harder to get comfy and he kicks right when I start to fall asleep
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK? Watching my belly move around when he is moving!
FOOD CRAVINGS? Salad I can't get enough of it and chocolate...where did that come from I don't even like chocolate!
GENDER? Still very much a boy!!
MOVEMENT? All the time they are getting stronger and stronger everyday!
BELLY BUTTON? Stretched to the max but still an innie
WHAT I MISS? My clothes and not having something jabbing at my ribs!
MILESTONE? Everything working out in the end and a healthy baby boy!!